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Tally में Ledgers क्या होते है ?

Tally में Ledgers क्या होते है ?  टैली में किसी भी लेनदेन (Transaction) की एंट्री को करने के लिए Ledger का होना बहुत जरुरी है | क्योकि जब हम टैली में किसी Transaction की एंट्री करते है, तो वो उसकी  एंट्री Ledger में ही करता है | इसलिए टैली में एंट्री करने के लिए Ledger का होना बहुत जरुरी है | अगर हम टैली में Ledger नहीं बनायेगे, तो हम उसमे एंट्री पास नहीं कर सकते है | उदहारण के तौर पर अगर हम बैंक में अपने रुपये जमा करने जाये, तो बैंक में रुपये जमा करने से पहले हमारा उस बैंक में एक खाता (Account) होना चाहिए | ताकि वो उस खाते में हमारे दिए गए रुपये की एंट्री कर सके | मतलब की Transaction करने से पहले हमे उस बैंक में खाता Open (Create) करना पड़ेगा | ठीक ऐसे ही टैली में Ledger होता है, और किसी Ledger में एंट्री करने से पहले उसे Create करना पड़ता है | ताकि हम उस Ledger से होने वाले सारे Transaction की एंट्री उसमे कर सके और जरुरत पड़ने पर हम उस Ledger से सम्बंधित सारी एंट्री को देख सके | 

Tally में Groups क्या होते है ?

Tally में Groups क्या होते है ? टैली में Group, Ledgers की Grouping करने के लिए होते है या इसको Ledgers का समूह भी कहा सकते है | टैली में किसी भी Ledger को Create करते समय Ledger के Nature को समझ कर किसी न किसी Group में रखना पड़ता है | इसलिए हमे सभी Groups व उनके Nature के बारे में जानकारी होनी चाहिए | टैली में Groups बहुत Important Topic है | अगर हमने Groups को समझ लिया तो टैली की Basic Working के बारे में समझ जायेगे | टैली में टोटल 28 Group होते है | जिनमे से 15 Primary और 13 Sub Group होते है | Primary 15 में से 9 Groups Assets / Liabilities Nature के होते है, जिनका Use Balance Sheet बनाने के लिए किया जाता है और 6 Groups Expenses / Income Nature के होते है, जिनका Use Profit & Loss बनाने के लिए किया जाता है | Primary Group According to Nature 1.      Assets 1.      Current Assets 2.      Fixed Assets 3.      Investments 4.      Miscellaneous Expenses (Ass...

About Prepaid Expenses

What are Prepaid Expenses? Prepaid expenses represent  expenditures that have not yet been recorded by a company as an expense, but have been paid for in advance. In other words, prepaid expenses are expenditures paid for in one  accounting period, but that will not be recognized until a later accounting period. Prepaid expenses are initially recorded as  assets, because they have future economic benefits, and are expensed at the time when the benefits are realized (the  matching principle). Common Reasons for Prepaid Expenses The two most common uses of prepaid expenses are rent and insurance. 1.  Prepaid rent  is rent paid in advance of the rental period. The journal entries for prepaid rent are as follows: Initial journal entry for prepaid rent: Dr     Prepaid Rent                10000 Cr      to Cash  ...

Interest on Capital

Interest on Capital Owners may seek a return on investment in form of fixed rate of interest to the extent of amount employed by them in the business. In order to ascertain a true picture of the business’ profitability, it is a common practice to provide interest on capital. Journal entry for interest on capital includes two accounts;  Capital A/c  &  Interest on Capital A/c Interest on capital is an expense for the business  and is added to the capital of the proprietor thereby increasing his total capital in the business. It is not paid in cash or by the bank. Journal entry for interest on capital is; Interest on Capital A/c Debit Debit the increase in expense   To Capital A/c Credit Credit the increase in capital Example Provide 10% interest on capital at the end of the year to Raman. His contribution to the business is 1,00,000. Interest on Capital A/c ...

Depreciation and appreciation

Depreciation and appreciation In finance and accounting, terminology is everything. Depreciation and appreciation are two sides of the same coin. Depreciation is when the value of assets goes down, and appreciation is when the value of assets goes up. Another type of depreciation that can confuse people is asset depreciation. This is an accounting term used to describe a certain type of write-off. 1.         Depreciation and appreciation of Fixed Assets: Depreciation : Depreciation is decreased in the value of fixed assets.  It is decreased due to the various reasons.  It is a loss, therefore, depreciation is debited. It decreases the value of fixed assets; therefore, fixed asset account is credited. For example; provide depreciation on furniture Rs. 5,000 p.a. Appreciation : Appreciation is the opposite of depreciation. It increases the value of assets, therefore assets account is debited and appreciation account is credite...

Advance Tally Syllabus (ACCA)

Tally Syllabus Tally Beginner Syllabus ( Duration: 3 months OR 70 Hrs) Module 1: Manual Accounting About Tally, What is accounting, Types of accounting, Advantages of accounting, Transaction, Basic types of transaction, Step of accounting, Source Documents Journals, Methods of maintain journals, Rules of maintain journals, Types of accounts, Golden rules,  Important Journal entry transaction, Capital, Bank & Cash Entry, Fixed Assets, Purchase, Sales, Payment, Receipt, Discount, Goods Return Entries, Important Accounting Keyword, Types of Business (Service Organizations, Trading Organizations & Manufacturing Organizations), About ledger book & posting, Final Reports (Trial balance, Profit & loss & Balance sheet). Module 2: Computer Accounting Understand Tally Ledgers & Groups, Important Ledgers & Groups, Accounting Vouchers, Basic Accounting Vouchers, Introduction and History of Tally, Understand Different Version of Tally, About Tally Screen,...

Charity Entry, Distributed Free Samples and Loss by Fire

Journal Entry for Goods Given as Charity or Distributed as Free Samples Charity generally refers to the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money or goods to those in need.  Goods given as free samples are however a way of advertising . Both acts when performed by a company are required to be recorded in the books of accounts. Goods given to charity or goods distributed as free samples are  not to be  accounted  for as sales . Instead, they are accounted as expenses, simply because, in this case, the  outflow of goods  happen  without any consideration . Journal Entry  for  Goods Given as Charity When accounting for goods given as charity, purchases are reduced with the exact cost of goods contributed. Charity A/C Debit  To Purchases A/C Credit Example A company, Unreal Pvt Ltd.  gave  goods to charity which cost them 20,000. Journal entry for charity, in this case, will ...