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Advance Tally Syllabus (ACCA)

Tally Syllabus

Tally Beginner Syllabus

(Duration: 3 months OR 70 Hrs)

Module 1: Manual Accounting

About Tally, What is accounting, Types of accounting, Advantages of accounting, Transaction, Basic types of transaction, Step of accounting, Source Documents Journals, Methods of maintain journals, Rules of maintain journals, Types of accounts, Golden rules,  Important Journal entry transaction, Capital, Bank & Cash Entry, Fixed Assets, Purchase, Sales, Payment, Receipt, Discount, Goods Return Entries, Important Accounting Keyword, Types of Business (Service Organizations, Trading Organizations & Manufacturing Organizations), About ledger book & posting, Final Reports (Trial balance, Profit & loss & Balance sheet).

Module 2: Computer Accounting

Understand Tally Ledgers & Groups, Important Ledgers & Groups, Accounting Vouchers, Basic Accounting Vouchers, Introduction and History of Tally, Understand Different Version of Tally, About Tally Screen, Work on tally and Understand Basic Tally Operation Steps, Company (Creation/ Modification/ Delete), Ledger (Creation/ Modification/ Delete), Voucher Entry (Creation/ Modification/ Delete), Information About Basic Features & Configuration, Display and Print Financial Report (Trial Balance, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet).

 Module 3: Inventory Concepts

Understand Inventory Management, Maintain Units, Stock Item, and Stock Group. Understand Stock Summary, Opening Stock, Closing Stock, AlterNet Unit (Use Rate in Alter Units), Godown, Godown Reports, Stock Journal, Stock Journal by class, Discount Column on Invoice (Separate Discount Column),  By & Get Scheme (Actual & Billed Quantity): Same Items Free, By & Get Free (Allow Zero Values Entries): Difference Items Free, Standard Rates on Sales: Rates fill automatic, Cost Center, Cost Center Report, How to Generate Invoice, Cash Invoice & Credit Invoice, Party's Details in Cash Bill, Print Invoice, Understand Cash & Credit Invoice and Invoice Printing, Understand How to Add Expenses in Invoice and paid. Add Expenses in Invoice, Trade Discount on Total Bill Amount, Generate Credit Notes for Discount, Interest & Goods Returns, and Debit Notes for Discount & Interest & Goods Returns.

Module 4: Foundation of GST

Tax System in India, Types of Tax in India, Introduction of GST, Rules of GST Registration, About GSTIN Number Format, Types of GST Registration, Type of Supply Person, Types of GST Percentage, About HSN & SAC Code, About GST Returns, HSN & SAC Code Rule for Invoice, Under Stand Local (Infra) and Inter State Sales & Purchase. Information about SGST, CGST and IGST.

Tally Executive Syllabus

(Duration: 3 months OR 70 Hrs)

Module 1: Computer Accounting

Ø  Understand Traditional Approach and Modern Approach.

Ø  Single Entry Mode and Double Entry Mode.

Ø  Single Entry & Compound Entries.

Ø  Debit & Credit Note Entries.

Ø  Learn Different types of feeding method.

Ø  Accounts Marathon.

Module 2: Final Reports & Excel Activity

Ø  Identify Ledger by Accounts.

Ø  Identify Ledger by Natures, Primary Groups and Sub Groups.

Ø  Understand and Create Manual Create Trial Balance.

Ø  Understand and Create Manual Create Profit & Loss.

Ø  Understand and Create Manual Create Balance Sheet.

Ø  Basic Excel Activity.

Ø  Maintain Trial Balance on Excel.

Ø  Maintain Profit & Loss on Excel.

Ø  Maintain Balance Sheet on Excel.

Module 3: Masters & Reports Activity

Ø  Single and Multiple Groups (Creation/ Modification/ Delete) on tally.

Ø  Multiple Ledgers (Creation/ Modification/ Delete) on tally.

Ø  Voucher (Creation/ Modification/ Delete) on tally.

Ø  Multiple Stock Groups (Creation/ Modification/ Delete) on tally.

Ø  Multiple Stock Items (Creation/ Modification/ Delete) on tally.

Ø  Multiple Godowns (Creation/ Modification/ Delete) on tally.

Ø  Understand Opening balance and Opening stock on tally.

Ø  Types of Reports, Important Reports, Hierarchy Model of Reports & Column Reports.

Module 4: Job Work

Ø  How to work service providing firm.

Ø  How to work trading firm.

Ø  How to work GST trading firm.


Tally Advance Syllabus

(Duration: 3 months OR 140 Hrs)

Module 1: Advance Manual Accounting

Maintain Manual Books & Statement: Maintain Ledger book (Manual), Create Trial Balance (Manual), Create Final Statements (Manual), Maintain Stock register (Manual), Create Final Statements with Inventory (Manual) like as Trading report, Profit Loss report Balance Sheet report. Advance Journal entry: Bad debts, Bad debts Recover, Loss, Charity, Depreciation, Appreciation, Outstanding, Prepaid Expenses and Interest on Capital.

Module 2: Advance Accounts Management

Outstanding Management: Maintain bill wise details (Advance, New, Against, On Account), Default credit days, set limit amount of credit, Alter and Set credit limit and credit days of All Party. Display Outstanding Reports, Ageing by Due Date, Ageing by Bill Date, Understand Different Configuration in Outstanding Report. Maintain Outstanding for Non Trading Accounts.

Interest Calculation: Activate Interest Calculation, Basic Interest Calculation Concepts, Apply Interest Calculation in ledger, Calculate Interest Total amount of ledger, Calculate Interest Transaction by Transaction, Override Parameters for each transaction, Pass Credit & Debit Note (Manually), Pass Credit & Debit Note (by Voucher Class), Display Interest Calculation report.

Cost Centre Management: Maintain Cost Centres, More then One Cost Category, Pre Define cost centre allocation during entry.

Advance Activity for Accounts: Use of Post Dated Voucher, Use of Cancel & Insert Voucher Option, Exception Reports -Negative Stock, Negative Ledgers, Email IDs, Compound Entry, Change Financial Year or Period of Company, Multi currency, Use of Memorandum Voucher For unknown Expenses, Memorandum Voucher For the goods given for approval, Use Optional Voucher for Pro Forma Invoice OR Quotation, Reversing Journal Voucher, Separate Cash & Bank Receipt, Voucher Creation for Cash & Credit Sales, Ledgers Creation for Cash & Credit Sales.

Module 3: Advance Inventory Management

Order Processing: Sales order, Purchase order, Delivery Note, Receipt Note, Rejection In, Rejection Out, Credit Note (Invoice Mode), Debit Note (Invoice Mode) etc.

Manufacturing: Advance Entries in Stock Items, Part Numbers in Stock Items, Description in Stock Items, Remarks in Stock Item. Understand Manufacturing Organization, Raw Materials Purchase, Manufacturing Goods, Manufacturing Journal, Finished Goods, Maintain Multiple Godowns.

Advance Activity for Invoice: Entry of Discount given to Customers by Ledger, Party's Details in Cash Bill, Print Invoice, Create Voucher Class for Purchase & Sales Entry, Use Multiple Price levels, Inform Negative Cash & Negative Stock, Information about Customers Turnover, Track Additional Cost of Purchase, Create Compound Unit, Physical Stock, Create Point of Sale Invoice or POS Invoice, Maintain Batch wise details, Set Expiry Dates for Batches.

Module 4: GST in Advance Level

Understand Multiple GST Rate Ledger, Multiple Purchase Ledger, GST Entry on Service class business, Multiple GST Rate in one Invoice, GST Adjustment, GST Tax Pay, Understand B2C Large, B2C Small Invoice, GST Import Goods & Service, GST Purchase from URD, Purchase from Composition Dealer, SEZ Purchase & SEZ Sales etc.

Module 5: Administrative Options

Opening Balance & Report, Multi Account Printing, Cheque Printing, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Maintain budgets and controls, Backup and Restore, Security Controls & Understand Multiple Security level, Audit Features, How to Import & Export Data in Tally, Understand how to Split Company, Group Company, Understand about Data Directory, Tally config file, How to send data by Email in Tally.

Module 6: Advance Excel Activity

Introduction, Entering, Editing and Formatting Data, Paste Special, Moving, Finding, and Replacing a Value, Comments, , Formatting Cells, Managing Worksheets, Modifying Rows and Columns, Understanding Formulas, Sort, Filter, and Subtotal, PivotTables, Data Tools, Introduction to Charts, Protecting Data, Lookups, Conditional Formatting etc.

Module 7: Job Work Practice

Challan feeding, Invoice feeding, Sales & Purchase feeding, Bank statement feeding, Bank Reconciliation, Payment feeding, Receipt feeding, Day to day entries feeding, Reports printing, Preparing Audit Plans, Analysis of Draft Financial Statements, Filing various reports to regulatory authorities like GST, Stock/Inventory Audits, Preparing daily sales invoice in tally/ Excel, Daily day to day accounting entries, Preparing Debit Note & Credit Note if any, Process accounts payable cheques, Prepare and handle petty cash vouchers and transactions, Debtors & Creditors Reconciliation, Maintaining & preparing payment voucher.

The End

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